First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code -
Cell Phone
Why do you want to be a foster family for an animal in need?*
Do you currently have a foster animal through another rescue organization?
What is your DOB? Please list in MM/DD/YYYY format. *
Are you willing to drive to/from your residence to Chaska MN, Eagan MN (our vets), Minnetrista MN (our supplies), and Minnetonka MN (our adoption events) frequently for your foster animal? * Choose one: Yes No
Please select the types of animals you would foster
In what type of home do you live?* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
Where will the animal sleep*
Please know that most of our animals do not come trained. Please describe your experience with training as well as your beliefs on the best methods of training in general. *
Is your yard fenced* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
If you do not have a fence how will you keep your animal from leaving your property? Dogs getting out and lost/hit by cars is our biggest concern! (Dogs only- Cats should never be outdoors)
Who in the household will care for the pet?*
How many adults reside in your household?*
How many children live in the home? Please list their ages. *
Please list your current pets (Include name, breed, gender, age)*
Are your current pets up to date on vaccines? If no, please explain.*
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? If no, please explain why not.*
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number*
Are there certain sizes/breeds you prefer to foster? Are there any sizes/breeds you will NOT foster? Any additional information you'd like us to have can be listed here. *
What characteristics would you NOT tolerate in an animal?
If your foster animal displayed one of these traits what would you do?*
Are you willing to separate your foster from your children/pets not only when they first arrive for the adjustment period but also to avoid conflicts? For example: "Crate & Rotate" means having one animal crated while the other animal gets "house time" and then rotating and is a great way for animals to settle in and for two animals who are stressed out about each other to co-exist without aggression. Prevention is key!* Choose one: Yes No
How did you hear about us*